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Trademark and Trade Dress

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Trademark and service mark law deals with issues and claims relating to the use of a design, name, word, symbol, or combination of these things to identify a seller, business, or manufacturer. A “mark” can be protected under trademark law so that other parties are not able to copy or redistribute it and so that other business dealers cannot masquerade as different companies.

Our firm can advise you regarding trademark protection for a company logo, name, design, motto, or any other mark that you may have. We can also assist in resolving disputes dealing with the infringement of trademark and service mark rights.

  • Represented senior user of mark in dietary supplement business against multiple junior users whose use of mark caused confusion in marketplace.
  • Represented real estate company in trademark infringement claim asserted against junior user of trademark.
  • Represented consumer products manufacturer in multiple actions involving trade dress claims on knockoff products.
  • Represented importer in trade dress and trademark claims involving imported fashion accessories.
  • Represented manufacturing company in action involving claimed trade mark infringement involving commercial security product.
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